10 questions, with Ashley Tickell…
1. So when did you get to San Diego?
One year ago this past December. My husband and I had spent a weekend here and just knew it was the perfect place…7
Ashley Tickell, jazz vocalist, actress, and child advocate volunteer.
months later we moved from LA to our lovely home in Ocean Beach.
2. Do you have a favorite restaurant in SD yet?
Hmm… Tough one. It depends what I’m in the mood for! Bencotto in Little Italy is killer if you want homemade pasta. OB Noodle House is just a guilty pleasure because it is soooo good and just a roll across the street from home!
3. Ok, we didn’t come here to talk about food, right?
No….but I could keep going!
4. Tricked you, that was the fourth question! Ok, lets talk about music. What got you into singing?
Haha…I went to see The Phantom of the Opera back home in Toronto when I was 9 years old. I turned to my parents and said one day I wanted to be on stage like Christine. A year later I was singing my heart out in my first professional musical onstage.
5. Most embarrassing thing to happen to you on stage.
Oh boy…I have a good one. I was working at The Stratford Festival, playing Alice in Alice Through the Looking Glass when I was 12. I was also dealing with kidney issues at the time. One particular show I wasn’t feeling too great, but I was determined to get through. But when I started my monologue to Humpty Dumpty, I couldn’t hold it in anymore….projectile vomit. In front of 1,000 people. Ya. Ran off stage, cleaned up, went back and finished the show. Sooo…that happened.
6. Gross. Sometimes, the show must NOT go on. When you’re not singing, what keeps you busy?
Lots! I go surfing with my hubby Jeremiah, or we hang out with our cat Boo and watch sci-fi and irreverent comedies…I’m also currently addicted to British Crime Dramas…I can also be found scouting bands and entertainment for ELECollective and volunteering as a CASA for foster children for Voices for Children.
7. Any shoutouts you wanna throw out?
Yes! I’d like to give a shout out to my favourite partners in crime – Jeremiah and Boo!!
8. Pick one: American Idol or Glee?
Glee! Don’t judge. I’m a musical theatre dork.
9. Which artist, dead or alive, would you most want to meet?
I never know how to answer this question. Never. It’s a tough one! So, for today, I’d like to go on a double date with Nick Kroll and Amy Poehler. They’re dating. Jeremiah and I are obsessed with Parks and Rec and The Kroll Show. I want to go out with them and spend all night laughing until it hurts!
10. Is there anything else you want to share or promote?
Hmm, yes! Check out my blog at sanguineinsandiego.blogspot.com (Well, starting next week! I’m currently writing my first post!) stay at Hotel Vyvant when visiting San Diego, eat and drink at Waypoint Public…the rest is TBA! Can’t wait to open up the new space for ELECollective – it is going to be an amazing craft cocktail bar and entertainment venue. I’ll keep you posted! Um, I’ll be shooting a horror film this spring and I’m stoked…and, of course. If you’ve the time and the space in your heart, volunteer to be a CASA. These kids need out help. More than we realize. Ok, enough self promotion and soap boxing!
Singer Ashley Tickell will be the guest vocalist with The Chris Lougeay Jazz Quartet. The UTC Plaza Unplugged is an ongoing live acoustic music series held at The UTC Westfield Mall, in La Jolla California. Join us on Feburary 15th, 2015 from 12 noon to 2pm. Free.

UTC Westfield Mall Plaza

UTC Westfield Mall Plaza, Ariel view.